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User Guide

1. Introduction

Duke is a java application that allows the user to keep track with all their daily tasks by interacting with a virtual chatbot.

2. Features

Note: Commands are all in small-case letters.

2.1 Add a task

There are 3 types of tasks that can be added into Duke’s tasks list, namely To Dos, Deadlines, and Events.


The date and time given to a Deadline or Event needs to follow the following format:

Format: DD/MM/YYYY HHMM, where time is in 24 hours.

Example: 19/09/2019 1400

2.1.1 Add ToDo

Command: todo [Task Details]

Example: todo destroy the avengers

2.1.2 Add Deadline

Command: deadline [Task Details] /by [DD/MM/YYYY HHMM]

Example: deadline submit CS2103 assignment /by 19/09/2019 1400

2.1.3 Add Event

Command: event [Task Details] /at [DD/MM/YYYY HHMM]

Example: event party /at 19/09/2019 1400

2.2 List all tasks

List all the tasks in the tasks list.

Command: list

2.3 Mark a task as done

Mark a task in the tasks list as “Done” using the given index of the task.

You can check the index of the task by running a list command.

Command: done [INDEX]

Example: done 1

Condition: Index must be a positive integer and must be within the range of the task list.

2.4 Delete a task

Delete a task from the tasks list using the given INDEX of the task.

You can check the index of the task by running a list command.

Command: delete [INDEX]

Example: delete 1

Condition: Index must be a positive integer and must be within the range of the task list.

2.5 Find tasks

Find tasks that contain the KEYWORD given in their description and list them out.

Command: find [KEYWORD]

Example: find assignment

2.6 Find free time

Find the next available free time to schedule an event.

Note: Only existing Events in the task list will be taken into consideration to avoid conflict. (ToDOs and Deadlines will be ignored)

The user is able to specify the duration of the event he wants to find a time slot for.

Each event in the task list is assumed to be 4 hours long.

E.g. Current Date and Time: 19/09/2019 14:00

Date and Time of next event in list: 19/09/2019 14:00

when 3 returns 19/09/2019 18:00

Command: when [DURATION OF EVENT]

Example: when 3

Finds the next available 3 hour time slot from now. If current Date and Time is 19/09/2019 14:00 and Date and Time of next event in list is 19/09/2019 14:00 then when 3 returns 19/09/2019 18:00.

2.7 Exit

Exit the program.

Command: bye